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  1. Nice! That's my plan as well ... P/U with my BMW 1200 in the bed.
  2. Keep the updates coming! I'm currently considering a full-size Chevy or GMC Toad. What model are you pulling? What towbar system?
  3. FlynPirate


  4. A dirty shorts flight! Glad you're still here Tom. I've never seen a pilot "yawning" yet during a strong crosswind landing ... Ha!
  5. Cost, weight, certification, but most importantly, symmetry. We seldom land with both tires perfectly aligned with the direction of travel (Runway heading) because, primarily of crosswinds. "Most" landings have a small amount of "crab angle" to correct for wind. If both tires were spinning at some "hypothetical" spin-up speed, as soon as you touched down the motor spinning up the tires could potentially drive you off the runway. (Messing up a good crosswind landing!) Also what speed would they need to be spinning? A strong headwind on final approach reduces "ground speed" so the tires could potentially be spinning faster than needed thereby increasing landing distance, which just ain't good!! (I can see the news video now, we ran off the runway, crossed the ditch and stopped, BUT both wheels are spinning like crazy as we dangle over the ditch! lol.) In theory, could technology correct for all this?... yes, but at what cost and legal certification? I'll be retired by then. Lol!
  6. Thanks Tom, I did read my manual, several times now, I also read the Magnum manual and went as far as the soft reset. I called tech support twice and the first agent was a completely an empty seat, the second was a lot better, but stumped as well and never mentioned pulling the leads and/or jumpers. I'm just looking for help, That's why I reposted on the same thread. I really appreciate the advise. I'll move on to pulling the jumpers, then leads.
  7. OK ... I'm gonna open this topic again because I've got an issue. I plugged into a 110V 20Amp outlet and set my Magnum to 15am, with a charge rate of 30%. All was good ... for a while. Now I'm getting this warning "AC Overload" displayed. It is now popping the GFCI. I have the inverter OFF, all AC appliances off so don't understand. A couple of notes ... (1) I do have a brand new Residential refridge installed by the selling dealer. (The original went bad on their lot.) (2) the day I noticed this fault warning, I had started the Engine and ran it for a few mins to level the coach. It was still plugged in. Could this have caused the fault? Now what? I can't seem to remove the fault warning. Do I reset the Inverter under the coach?
  8. My Bad ... left out the main part... sorry. Just turn off the Battery "Cut-off", the one by the door, wait 5 mins and turn it back on. Reboots the CPU's.
  9. Problem Solved!! Mr. Tom Cherry explained the CPU's within the Multiplex System and a simple reset of the CPU's eliminated the fault and the slides worked as advertised. I worked with several systems today and simply upset the logic. It's good to know now how to reset the system! Just turn off the battery Cut-off, wait 5 mins and turn it back on. Thank you Mr. Cherry!
  10. Ok ... I've have my "new" coach 3 days and sitting in a storage lot. It has been plugged in 110 during the nights (Magnum Shore set to 15am draw, charge rate to 30%) I come out, start the Generator and extend all slides, work with the Valid leveling system, raising the Tag, lowering the tag, manual level, auto level ... etc. Just learning the system. The ma'am is working inside, I'm washing outside. We finish for the day and I go to retract the rear slides and nothing. Passenger side is electric, Driver side hydraulic, neither wants to retract. I check all compartments closed, find I left the engine compartment open, close it, try again ... nothing. The two forward slides operate normally. I try with and without gen power, nothing. The hydraulic motor doesn't engage when I try the driver side. Brake is set, I crank engine to power the air system. The Valid is in Travel mode. What am I missing?
  11. So when you store your rig you just disconnect the batteries?
  12. One more question concerning plugging into a 110V, should I turn off the battery "Cut-off" switch? (The one by the front door, not the disconnect) Does it matter?
  13. Thats very nice… I take delivery today and will schedule this ASAP. If I had known, I’d of required the report prior to purchase. Love and learn. Live
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