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2006 Executive AH Zone Blowers


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This is our first Monaco after several Tiffins and Fleetwood coaches.  The AH fires up like it should. However, with all three zones set to furnace and the thermostats set for 10 degrees above inside temps, the only blowers that work are the front lower register at the bottom of the center console and the 2 in the  bedroom. I get no heat in the bathroom, kitchen or living room. When I check the AH panel in the basement, the zone lights of 1 and 2 are lit, but 3, 4, and 5 are not. Do the blowers have fuses? How do I track down the problem ?  

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That is what it has to be. Both were off this morning. I'll fire it up in the morning to confirm. As usual with something new to us, we didn't comprehend all that was being shown to us. It's almost like being back in school again with all we have to learn/relearn. At least our brains will get exercised. Thanks for your help. 

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56 minutes ago, Venturer said:

That is what it has to be. Both were off this morning. I'll fire it up in the morning to confirm. As usual with something new to us, we didn't comprehend all that was being shown to us. It's almost like being back in school again with all we have to learn/relearn. At least our brains will get exercised. Thanks for your help. 

OK....you prints are not the greatest.  I looked at the 2006 Exec and also the Dynasty.  There is ONLY one print for the HVAC System....should have been TWO.  That print shows the Furnaces...which you do NOT have... SO....in NEVER NEVER LAND...but you can answer or check some things out...and THIS might be the issue.

The FRONT Galley switch has NOTHING to do with the REAR system.  IF you have two Thermostats....then you need to tell us how they are programmed.

On the Rear...  Go to Zone 1.  That is the Bedroom.  You SHOULD have AC (cool), HP, and Furnace and OFF (memory).  Verify you have FURNACE or HEAT in Zone 1 in the bedroom.

OK...Zone 2 is the center or bathroom area.  The 2006 Prints don't SHOW a controller for the Furnace.  BUT, in this print, there is one.  SO, do you have the SAME zones as in the Rear, Zone 1?  IF SO. then that means that the 2007 Print is the one.  BUT, if you do NOT have a FURNACE or HEAT in the MODE selector, then you do NOT have a controller that works the Aquahot.  Your manual is NOT exactly clear.  Look on page 128 or so.  That say you SHOULD have a Heat Exchanger.  BUT, there may be a "CATCH".  If your Zone 2 (middle) does NOT show a FURNACE or HEAT, then the REAR bedroom unit supplies the heated antifreeze.  There should be a switch in the private bath.  It is OFTEN low and no one sees it.  It is a LOW/OFF (Center) and HIGH switch.  TRY THAT.  That controls the blower speed of the private bath.  SO, if it is in the OFF position....NO HEAT.  

NOW, if you do have FURNACE in the Zone 2, then the switch could STILL be there... and you will have to turn it on.

Ordinarily, when there is NO zone 2 FURNACE or HEAT, there are two sets of registers.  BUT, there is NO way to find them in the prints.

I would also suggest that you PM @Dr4Film  or Richard Smith, He has a 2006 Dynasty.  That year was a hybrid....and Monaco did not have all the "GOODIES" in place.  HE may have a print that he has used for the AH and it may be the one below.

I wish I could be of more help...but without a print and without a "real explanation"....which was used later on as to WHICH registers are tied to which zones and such....  NADA I can do.

There is ONE more "GEE, I wonder".  If there is a separate pump for the center and maybe it goes to the Bay system, there is a Check Valve in the pump and sitting around and NOT being used causes issues.  Use a screwdriver handle, not a 2 pound sledge hammer, you can TAP on the pump housing a few times.  This will free up the check valve and let the coolant flow.  Often times, that is all it takes.  That is why it is recommended to exercise the HP or AC and the AH a few times a year....as the valves and such might stick.

That's it.  Look for the switch....and also verify how the zones are set up....IF, some IDIOT in Assembly forgot to "PROGRAM" your center unit....as that HAS BEEN KNOWN TO HAPPEN, then you pull down the cover or get to the place where the filter is.  That unit is PROBABLY A 13.5 kw AND your front and rears are 15 KW.  The Dometic Control, with the DIP switches are in the Plenum on this one....they are only assessible from the roof (remove the cover) on the 15 KW.  However Richard's Zones are set....as in does he have a FURNACE or HEAT in Zone 2 of the Rear Bedroom thermostat....that is how yours should be set.  IF he DOES and you don't, you go into the plenum and look on the controller.  It is SET TO ZONE 2....  and there is a FURNACE switch on it.  That switch needs to be ON for the controller to signal the AH.  IF you have to change the DIP: switches....then you MUST reset or reboot the Thermostat in the Bedroom.  Switch OFF (bottom). Hold in Zone and MODE....then turn it on.  FF says...  I'm programmed for whatever I found down stream. Just turning ON the Furnace DIP does NADA..  BTW.  MOST folks know that the lower ON/OFF switch is a trouble point.  I only use it for resetting.  I toggle through the MODE settings in each zone...and stop at OFF...  I leave my switch ON.... 


2007 Sig to Dynasty 5 Button AQUAHOT HVAC Layout.pdf

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On mine, if I shut off the battery disconnect switch, or the Aqua Hot itself,  the switches for the fans both turn off and I have to turn them back on to get them to work. Hope that is what your problem is and nothing more serious. Have fun, these machines can be quite an adventure!

Edited by Frank Bergamo
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My 2006 Dynasty Diamond IV has the rear thermostat as zone 1 for the bedroom with fan, cool, heat pump, furnace (aqua hot) and off as selections actuated by pressing the mode switch. Zone 2 control has the same selections. The aquahot radiators for zone 2 are under the hall vanity and toilet room vanity. The hall vanity radiator is activated anytime heat(aquahot) is called for in zone 2. The toilet room radiator is activated when heat is called for in zone 2 AND the AH blower switch is pressed under the counter ledge (indicated by Amber "on" light in the switch capsule). The fwd thermostat has the same mode selections as the rear thermostat but only 1 zone. When furnace is selected, and heat is called for, the front radiator under console supplies heat. In. Order to get heat from the vents in the sofa (living area) and vents under the galley cabinets, the switch in the galley must be pressed. This is a 4 position switch, off, low, med, high. Each press of the switch changes the blower speed. Note: this switch works independent of thermostat selections, at least on my MH. Hope this helps.

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These Monaco's are "snowflakes" for sure.

My 2006 Dynasty is somewhat similar to others that have posted how their system works but with minor differences.

I have three Aqua-Hot zones which are controlled by two 5-Button displays in the coach. To activate the Aqua-Hot you have to set the 5-button control to furnace. The front 5-button CCC controls everything forward of the bathroom. When you turn on the furnace, the heat ex-changer fan located at the front of the coach at the bottom of the front dash will activate blowing hot air at one speed. There is also a mechanical rotary switch located under the kitchen sink counter which control the fans for the two heat ex-changers in the kitchen area. That switch has four settings, Off, Low, Medium, and High. I also have a round auxiliary heat vent located at the bottom of the Jack-Knife Sofa that sits between the kitchen counter and the passengers captains chair.

The 5-Button control located on the wall adjacent to the door for the toilet/shower room has two zones. One for the heat ex-changer located inside the toilet/shower room and one for the heat ex-changer located in the bedroom area. The bedroom zone heat ex-changer fan will come on when you select that zone for furnace however, there is a button on the multiplex panel in the toilet/shower room to turn on the heat ex-changer fan for that room.

Everything works as it should EXCEPT the toilet/shower room does NOT blow hot air. I have attempted to pound on the check valve to see if that was stuck (common problem) but I had no joy. Eventually I will attempt to see if the pump for that zone is actually working. Fixing that problem is not high on my priority list of things to fix as it is such a small room. When the temperature drops enough we usually break out two small Lasko Ceramic heaters that we use for small local areas.

Where the heat ex-changers are located is dependent on your specific floor-plan especially in the bedroom/bathroom areas.

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Thanks Tom for your explanation of the system and others for your helpful replies. It turned out that my only problem was not knowing about the fan control under the kitchen counter and the one in the bathroom. Thanks Frank. I fired them up this morning and we have heat coming at every register. The bathroom just has an on/off switch for the fan. No fan speed control for the bedroom or front lower dash register that I can find. The heat exchanger in the lower water compartment is warm but the ambient temp is not cool enough to turn on the fan. Thanks for the help. I'm sure there will be more to come. 

Edited by Venturer
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On 11/20/2023 at 8:06 PM, Frank Bergamo said:

On mine, if I shut off the battery disconnect switch, or the Aqua Hot itself,  the switches for the fans both turn off and I have to turn them back on to get them to work. Hope that is what your problem is and nothing more serious. Have fun, these machines can be quite an adventure!

FWIW.  You have the Intellitec MPX system.  Don’t know if you are referring to the inside “battery disconnect switch” located to the left as you come in the front door or if you are referring to the 300A manual switch in the rear run bay.

Also don’t know if you are aware that frequently using the interior switch or “salesman switch” is not recommended for the CPU Intellitec MPX system.  Anytime that switch is used, it shuts down, entirely, the MPX CPU & all output modules.  Then, it has to restart and reboot like a complex computer system that someone pulled the plug on.  There is a file on the system that you might not be aware of…use Intellitec in the search and then select “files” from the dropdown Everywhere menu.

I have a hybrid MPX and got sloppy one day….unhooked directly the house battery cable…didn’t use the manual house switch….OPPS.  My MPX was totally bonkers.  I then had to turn off the House switch….wait a while….and thankfully it rebooted OK.

It is the prerogative of an owner to use the salesman switch or risk possible issues….in your case, it is not, most feel, practical to just “bypassing” or removing the solenoid …..as many of us have done.  So…just a word of caution.

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   Please do NOT start a new topic and reference or comment or correct a previous topic’s post.  Use the Original Topic for corrections.  We have to search and merge and that is difficult….as the comment was made over a week ago.



sWhen the Aqua Hot runs, the front and rear fans come on when the thermostat calls for heat in those zones. The Kitchen has a 3 speed fan and the bathroom has an on/off switch. Is there supposed to be more than one fan speed in the front, back and Bath?  I wasn't clear from my previous post as to speed controls for the front and rear zones. 

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  • 9 months later...

Bringing this topic back up….. It sounds like my 2006 Dynasty Diamond IV is set the same as “det944”. But what he didn’t mention was what thermostat controls the basement heat?  I know there is the independent rotary style thermostat under there in the Aqua-Hot compartment but what controls the blower? Or is it a one speed On/Off?


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