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Aqua Hot dumped all antifreeze

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I have a new AquaHot, 2 years old. At first the burner would fail to ignite after working fine for an extended time.I would re-set it and it would ignite. This continued and the aquahot tech could not find the problem. This went on for a year sometimes working and sometimes having to reset. I found one morning, after realizing my aquahot did not ignite and heat things up, My antifreeze container in the aquahot compartment was empty. It all dumped out the overflow. The tech could not find the problem as it worked flawlessly for him for days at his shop. I took it on a trip again and the antifreeze dumped out on me again after working flawlessly for 2 weeks. I filled it with fluid again and the burner wont even ignite now,,, the fault comes up ,, burner failed to ignite. this AquaHot is a 600D. 

Any ideas on where to start. The unit is serviced and clean.


Greg Coffey 

2005 Monaco Dynasty flat towing Jeep Cherokee.

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I need to better understand what is happening when you say the antifreeze dumped? 

Do you mean the overflow bottle is now empty (1 or 2 quarts), or do you mean all 15 gallons of boiler fluid dumped?  

Do you know where the fluid going?  Is the compartment flooded?  Is there fluid on the ground?

The no light issue may be related to low fluid, or it could be a separate issue, but we need to first find out where the boiler fluid is going.  

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What happened was the fluid dumped out of the overflow tube of the overflow bottle container. It dumps on the ground. The compartments are dry. I fill the container again and try to ignite the burner and no luck, this time. The first time it dumped which was a month prior to this time, after filling the bottle, it worked great up until it dumped again, now I can't get it to ignite, the burner. 

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If it dumped all of the overflow then I would think the unit is now low on fluid. If the low fluid light on? If so, need to add fluid directly to the tank. My first thought is that the unit is overheating and boiling the fluid out of the overflow. This would mean that the thermostat on the tank is bad. If your current Tech is clueless on the issue I would look for another Tech. The Aquahot service manual and diagnostic steps are spot on and the best place to go to first to follow the steps to properly diagnose 

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I believe you are absolutely right. I mentioned to him to check the thermostat because of the overheating. Its in with the tech now,,, I will update on any progress or NOT.

Thank you


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I have not, however, when waking up in the cold and going outside to check the status of the aqua hot, antifreeze had flowed across the parking lot from where I was parked beginning from the overflow tube coming from the tank, under the motorhome.

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25 minutes ago, Greg Coffey said:

Four - five feet



Rules out a split boiler tank seam, or leaking fitting.

Does sound like it 'could' be a failed hi-temp thermostat. On my 450D, I've timed how long it takes the burner to get cold boiler fluid to full temp, so if my burner ran an extra few minutes, I could tell there was a problem.

Edited by 96 EVO
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