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Small Improvements.


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Decided to defer a day at the campsite due to the weather this weekend here in Ontario Canada.  Heading out tomorrow instead.  
With that said, I finally had some time to complete a few little upgrades I’ve had on the back burner for some time now.  
Got the CB Radio installed, powered off the spare wire from the OEM Radio switch to a dedicated rocker switch on the drivers console to act as a sub-master I guess we could call it.  PO already had the antenna mounted but there was no radio when I purchased the rig.  
I have also now realized that my coach utilizes a ‘DIN and a half’ OEM radio, as I was going to replace with an apple CarPlay compatible radio, now I have to come up with a solution for that.  🙄 
Also replaced the original cigarette lighter 12v outlets with USB style plugs.  Had to enlarge the hole slightly to get them fit.  These are also now controlled on a dedicated switch on the drivers console as I didn’t want them left on if not needed to be.  
Last thing was a dedicated USB power supply for my Bluefire Tablet and a spare female usb connector behind it for the GPS or whatever.  This was powered off a spare ignition circuit I found in the mess of wiring on the drivers console.  
Gave the rig a much needed scrub down and on the exterior while i was at it.  Very noticeable to me and my wife and just super satisfying to have it all cleaned up finally.  

Happy Canada Day/Fourth of July everyone! Safe travels. 






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Nice job. How much do you use your CB? My new to me 2002 HR Imperial came with a CB. I've been considering removing it. I used CBs a lot many years ago but wasn't sure if it would be of much use now.

Edited by Tom Wallis
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