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What are these things on the wheels?

Car Guy

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Parked in front of a business is an older Monaco Signature.  It had these devices on all axles (both sides).  What are these devices?  If you have used them, were they effective?



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This is an edited version of a post about 10 days ago.  @Car Guy, wanted you to make sure that your original post was an example of a problem that we are having.  It is NOT an admonishment nor any reflection on your question.  But, it does provide a real world example of a problem.  SO, PLEASE KEEP POSTING...and we hope this new post will shed some more light on an issue that the staff is dealing with.

END of NOTE...

With the increase in membership and folks new to MH'ing, the site, per many Staff discussions, is being used, too frequently, as a "WIKI".  The staff updated the guidelines to reduce the "WHAT IS THIS?" posts.  We all LEARN...but many members are concerned that simple items like the Vigia device, we feel, should have googled to learn first. Then do a search.  That would have changed the tone and intent of the post. 

After a member learned then asking the group, via a new Topic, would have been the next logical step...and that was your second question.

As a reminder or also some "HOW TO", use the Search box - upper RIGHT. Use a KEYWORD like "Vigia". You can add more also. Then from the Everywhere Drop Down menu, select Topics.  NO HITS.  Then the post would have been better worded as below. Your pictures are great. We always need pictures.  

Read a lot about the Vigia after seeing it on a rig parked. 

Might be interested…..but need more real world feedback…

Anybody running one?  Friends?  Good, bad or maybe…?

Thanks for understanding and also the rationale for the guidelines….they come from the members and we listened and decided to tighten up a little…

NOW, FWIW, this was discussed with a fellow staff member. He "thought" that one manufacturer had used them, maybe for an option or standard?  BUT they are far from common in the US. I used to travel to Brasil as also some in Europe. I recall seeing them on Semi's and large box trucks in Brasil and asked my host, an engineer, what they were. He said they would maintain Tire Pressure.

That was 18 years ago. I kept googling. There is a USA distributor. They were developed in Argentina... or maybe in Italy...when you google you get both countries. BUT, they were all the rage in Brasil, except that many folks said that the rotating seal LEAKED and they (the air compressor) ran all the time.

NOW, if you go to the USA site, they have evolved. They are NOW part of a sophisticated TPMS.  Probably WAY MORE than our members want...but you never know.


On a semi sarcastic or perhaps a "real world" approach...  They are NOW GREEN...and we all KNOW that GREEN is IN..  LOL...please do NOT TURN this into any other discussion.  Just a sign of the times...  like all the companies that added "DOT-COM" to their names in the late nineties...  and the stock market went wild...and the there were some painful losses.....

SO, now you know.

Again, thanks for putting this up.  

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