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2007 Dynasty - 110 outlet question.

Go to solution Solved by FlynPirate,

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First…Moderators are following the rules and the charter of this site,  Wandering snd Morphing threads turn into a “Personal” Shell Answer Man topic, where a member just keeps posting problems and expects the group to help them when sometimes reading the manual explains it.  Then, the topics are NOT searcheable and are not of value….or you get so many “hits” and then start to scan and find out the original topic was on TIRES and that morphed into Air Pressure for a Tag and then Valid Leveling and why the tanks are running down but the MH stays level.

WE TRY to cut some slack….but some members persist in posting a gammit of “heres all the things that I don’t understand and want others to help me out.

We get MANY PM’s from lomgtime members about “what’s this gizmo” and why we didn’t hide the topic and respond offline with READ THE MANUAL.

Group dynamics is a strange phenomenon.  Some have wanted a IGNORE flag for certain members.  Let’s move on.  Moderating is something that the staff does without pay and we try to abide by the rules and also keep the charter or the mission intact. The is THE most informative Monaco site on the NET….and it is logically complied and members can research without all the fluff and pontification of the OTHER SITES. We intend to moderate and keep it this way…..

Now here is the screen dump….read what Magnum says…..

Bottom line…. Jeff, you do NOT have enough incoming AMPS to support the load.  YES, a SOFT reset MAY clear it..but continued abuse will cause the Inverter to have longterm issues.

You really need to do some LOAD anaylsis.  The Res Refer may or should have a ENERGY setting.  Next up.  This happens frequently.  Even with a 30% charge rate, if the House Batteries are discharged or depleted, the. Even at 30%, they are gonna ZAP the load.  For example…at 80% the Magnum will show 85 - 90 AMPS…DC. That equates (Volts X Amps)….equals Watts….WATTS is WATTS…so that is about 1,200 WATTS.  That is a 10 Amp load.  Now…yes….you have 20, but the Magnum uses 5% for running.  If the RES REFER does into Defrost or is making ICE…that will suck up many watts or AMPS.

Starting the MH actually is a good thing.  It helps charge the banks….via the Big BOY.

Google SOFT RESET Magnum.  You hold in the power button…Magnum says NO AC.  We have many, myself included that don’t do it that way.  The inverter is supposed to POWER down and then you have to Push Start to get it going and that will clear it.

BUT…look at the age of the inverter.  17 years.  It is like my aging body…..don’t work as well.

The next step, prior to getting out the AMEX and replacing the invrerer….and THIS has saved at least 10 or more of the same vintage….NO AC NO SOLAR.

Remove the leads….the 1/2” nuts SHOULD be tight….very tight.  Mine were.  So torque them down to about what it took to break loose,

Pull the leads.  Then WAIT AN HOUR.  The new tech support at Magnum are NOT as experienced as the former ones, When you pull the leads….before is better….pull the internal.JUMPERS …with disconnect off. Your house disconnect does NOT shut off the Magnum…there is a 400amp fuse…wired HOT.

Once there is NO POWER for an hour…hook up the Magnum leads.  Replace the jumpers.  THEN, when you turn ON the House bank, you get a CLEAN reboot of the Intellitec MPX system.  Otherwise….remember what happened with your slides.

THAT should clear it.  Some have had to do it 2 or 3 times….

NOW…I don’t know if the TV’s are ON…as in plugged in. They need to be on a power strip or surge suppressor…..they DO draw current.

That’s the drill. Hope it works….


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10 hours ago, Tom Cherry said:

First…Moderators are following the rules and the charter of this site,  Wandering snd Morphing threads turn into a “Personal” Shell Answer Man topic, where a member just keeps posting problems and expects the group to help them when sometimes reading the manual explains it.  Then, the topics are NOT searcheable and are not of value….or you get so many “hits” and then start to scan and find out the original topic was on TIRES and that morphed into Air Pressure for a Tag and then Valid Leveling and why the tanks are running down but the MH stays level.

WE TRY to cut some slack….but some members persist in posting a gammit of “heres all the things that I don’t understand and want others to help me out.

We get MANY PM’s from lomgtime members about “what’s this gizmo” and why we didn’t hide the topic and respond offline with READ THE MANUAL.

Group dynamics is a strange phenomenon.  Some have wanted a IGNORE flag for certain members.  Let’s move on.  Moderating is something that the staff does without pay and we try to abide by the rules and also keep the charter or the mission intact. The is THE most informative Monaco site on the NET….and it is logically complied and members can research without all the fluff and pontification of the OTHER SITES. We intend to moderate and keep it this way…..

Now here is the screen dump….read what Magnum says…..

Bottom line…. Jeff, you do NOT have enough incoming AMPS to support the load.  YES, a SOFT reset MAY clear it..but continued abuse will cause the Inverter to have longterm issues.

You really need to do some LOAD anaylsis.  The Res Refer may or should have a ENERGY setting.  Next up.  This happens frequently.  Even with a 30% charge rate, if the House Batteries are discharged or depleted, the. Even at 30%, they are gonna ZAP the load.  For example…at 80% the Magnum will show 85 - 90 AMPS…DC. That equates (Volts X Amps)….equals Watts….WATTS is WATTS…so that is about 1,200 WATTS.  That is a 10 Amp load.  Now…yes….you have 20, but the Magnum uses 5% for running.  If the RES REFER does into Defrost or is making ICE…that will suck up many watts or AMPS.

Starting the MH actually is a good thing.  It helps charge the banks….via the Big BOY.

Google SOFT RESET Magnum.  You hold in the power button…Magnum says NO AC.  We have many, myself included that don’t do it that way.  The inverter is supposed to POWER down and then you have to Push Start to get it going and that will clear it.

BUT…look at the age of the inverter.  17 years.  It is like my aging body…..don’t work as well.

The next step, prior to getting out the AMEX and replacing the invrerer….and THIS has saved at least 10 or more of the same vintage….NO AC NO SOLAR.

Remove the leads….the 1/2” nuts SHOULD be tight….very tight.  Mine were.  So torque them down to about what it took to break loose,

Pull the leads.  Then WAIT AN HOUR.  The new tech support at Magnum are NOT as experienced as the former ones, When you pull the leads….before is better….pull the internal.JUMPERS …with disconnect off. Your house disconnect does NOT shut off the Magnum…there is a 400amp fuse…wired HOT.

Once there is NO POWER for an hour…hook up the Magnum leads.  Replace the jumpers.  THEN, when you turn ON the House bank, you get a CLEAN reboot of the Intellitec MPX system.  Otherwise….remember what happened with your slides.

THAT should clear it.  Some have had to do it 2 or 3 times….

NOW…I don’t know if the TV’s are ON…as in plugged in. They need to be on a power strip or surge suppressor…..they DO draw current.

That’s the drill. Hope it works….


Thanks Tom, I did read my manual, several times now, I also read the Magnum manual and went as far as the soft reset. I called tech support twice and the first agent was a completely an empty seat, the second was a lot better, but stumped as well and never mentioned pulling the leads and/or jumpers. I'm just looking for help, That's why I reposted on the same thread. I really appreciate the advise. I'll move on to pulling the jumpers, then leads. 

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I don’t see anyone mentioned that you have to charge start batteries separate on some years of dynasty models. Magnum doesn’t charge those . Either a separate 2-4 amp trickle charge or jumper wires from house batteries. I think I am correct about this , but let me know, thanks .

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1 hour ago, DanVickie said:

I don’t see anyone mentioned that you have to charge start batteries separate on some years of dynasty models. Magnum doesn’t charge those . Either a separate 2-4 amp trickle charge or jumper wires from house batteries. I think I am correct about this , but let me know, thanks .

Correct.  The 2007 INTELLITC Proprietary Boards system is a FULL BIRD.  It charges BOTH.  The inverter's FAULT is from not having enough amps on the INCOMING versus too large a load on the OUTPUT.  It FAULTED.  It may be Fixable...as in the HARD RESTAR...or it might have been FATAL.  Unfortunate...but, as I posted as well as updated the Magnum Setup, the Magnums are beginning to show their age.

A simple...HICCUP when the electronics was newer...as in the Heat Sink Thermal Conductive Paste was NEW...then you got 100% HEAT dissipation.  As that paste deteriorates...so do the ability to dissipate heat.  Running at higher charging rates, as I just DID...demonstrated that.  I passed this on.

However, there are SOME fatal issues....that once they happen, can't be "FIXED" as in the hard reboot.  BUT, at this point....that is the ONLY answer.

Jeff, also THANKS for confirming the fact that the Magnum Tech Support quality has been on the decline.  I was flabbergasted a few months ago.  The tech told me that it did NOT WORK THAT way.  I knew it did.  Frank McE;roy confirmed that it did.  SO....we seem to have as much understanding of the Magnums as the tech support.

NOW, I am NOT a design engineer...BUT, I have been talking to Tech Support since 2009 and have literally called dozens of times as a Moderator to check something out.  The current crew might as well be AI.  YES, they know what is printed.  YES....they understand the systems.  NO, they do NOT have the experiences of talking to countless customers and realizing that there are NUANCES...  The current crew does NOT understand exactly how a Battery WORKS nor the RECOVERY voltages and how to PROPERLY set up a Magnum.  In all FAIRNESS, that was a MAGNUM decision, NOT TO GO DOWN that path....I was told that.  BUT, the tech support person many years ago TOTALLY UNDERSTOOD  and agreed that my logic was correct but that Magnum felt it was WAY too complicated...so they took the easy way.

Hope you get it going.....don't give up.  I had one member that it took 3 TIMES....and it has been working fine since them.

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