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2009 Dynasty - Valve stem core issues

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I'm having an issue with the valve core sticking open when trying to check air pressure.  I have pressure sensors on the stem, which of course causes the stem to be compressed at all times to be able to read the pressure.  I'm guessing here, but by having this stem pushed in all the time from the TPMS system plus the high heat of the wheels, is the stem being stuck open by the heat and valve seat causing them to stick open?  Quite the experience removing the stem and replacing with a new one under 100 pounds of air pressure blasting at you.  I have been replacing the valve stem cores with high temp valves from Napa Auto.  But there seem to be sticking open as well.  Is this just going to continue or does someone make a stem core valve to solve this problem?  I have not noticed any debris or foreign objects in or on the stem cores, just stuck open.  This isn't all the time, but enough that I carry extra stem cores, but I would like to stop throwing good money after bad.  I don't mind the expense, since they are pretty cheap, I just don't care for the hair raising activity of changing them under pressure.  Thanks,

Woody Miller

09 Dynasty 

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What brand of TPMS are you running.  I have always used the Pressure Pro.  They had a problem many years ago and had to redesign the seals.  They retrofitted my older sensors.

I have some experience with tires and such....HS and also being a gear head.

I never leave the TPMS sensors on.  Several members always take them off when they return from a trip.

I have never had an issue...but I DO, religiously, every season, check the "snugness" of the Valve Cores...

NOW, I "knew this" as my BIL worked for Eaton and they had a Valve Stem Factory...and he was a Manufacturing Engineer...

The formatting is different and I can't edit out the highlighting....

Valve Cores – the valve core allows the air pressure within the tire and wheel assembly to be adjusted. It must be in good working order with no debris within it.

Debris would not allow the core to seal properly. There are two types of cores used for passenger valve stems; with the main difference being the temperature rating. A standard valve core usually has a black seal with a temperature range of between -65°F (-54°C) and 225°F (107°C). The high temperature core usually has a red seal and has a temperature range of -65°F (-54°C) and 250°F (121°C) and is designed more for use in truck applications.

NOW...  I don't TOTALLY agree with the above.  Our tires are DANGEROUS when the internal tire temps are above 180 dF.  SO, based on the above...  the Standard ones SHOULD be OK.  BUT, if you think it is heat.....then...as long as the pressure doesn't drop to the alarm point....your tires are "USUALLY" OK.

BUT, I would also warn you that not ALL valve stems are made to the SAME specs.  I would purchase a back of SHRADER or EATON (can't remember if they SOLD OUT) brand.  One NEVER knows....and this is NOT knocking NAPA or such....what part one is getting.

NOW if all the tires are doing this and you have GOOD cores....then I would be HIGHLY suspicious of the STEMS.  Don't know if they were replaced when you put tires on.  I am running the BORG stems....They come from a trusted vendor in California.  We call them BORG because Bill BORG started the company....and has passed away.  BUT, if you GOOGLE BORG Stems.....and order them....they are FIRST or TOP DRAWER. I have had tires put on by 4 shops...and every tech or changer has said...  MAN....these are the BEST that I've ever seen.  NOT CHEAP.  You can also or USED TO BE ABLE TO...order custom stems for your Dynasty. Bill actually had LONG extensions for the REAR.  He had molded gromments made for the Monaco Slotted wheels.  HOWEVER, my 2009 Accuride are the STOCK ones....and Bill had to have the gromments molded to fit mine.  Monaco stopped using the special SLOTTED rims circa 2008....so if you have the SLOTTED rims, you MIGHT be able to actually put on the TPMS without needing the longer stem.  We have some members that do that.

FWIW.  I got rid of the braided mess.  Pulled it all off....and have not had an issue since.

Hope this helps....


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  • Tom Cherry changed the title to 2009 Dynasty - Valve stem core issues

I had the problem with leaking valve stems when I installed new tires and the dealer installed balance beads.  The dealer said that they were supposed to install a protected stem, which I think was just a screen on the valve stem. The dealer replaced the stems. I since replaced the beads with balance masters and no problems since. Not sure of the brand of balance beads but they were pretty cheap.

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2 hours ago, Russgh said:

I had the problem with leaking valve stems when I installed new tires and the dealer installed balance beads.  The dealer said that they were supposed to install a protected stem, which I think was just a screen on the valve stem. The dealer replaced the stems. I since replaced the beads with balance masters and no problems since. Not sure of the brand of balance beads but they were pretty cheap.

Based on years of comments here.  Cheap BEADS...which is ONLY what the tire dealers stock....are a PITA and folks have been replacing them for years.

The recognized ONLY choice here for at least 10 years has been Dyna Beads.  Rave reviews...  NO TPMS issues.  However the "disks" have been widely accepted.  

Personally, the Chief Engineer for Bridgestone Commercial tires, and a Class A MH owner, advised me.  SPIN Balance the fronts.  Leave the rears alone....or at best....bubble.  He said that was after an extensive testing and development program. I have followed that advice.  Ride is great.  NO ISSUES.  So, I'm not a Bead or a Disk fan.

Whatever works and one wants....but cheap beads are just a HIGH PROFIT Margin item.  I had to seek out a good shop with a precision Spin Balancer....but would NOT have used their cheap beads....given the history....

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I also have a tpms on each tire. I was, like you replacing valve inserts about every 3 to 5 times I checked the pressure with a gauge. And yes, the previous tires had balancing beads. 
After replacing the tires and having them spin balanced, I have not had the problem anymore. 
Cheapest option is to have the stems replaced with a screened stem as Russ mentioned and either with better beads or spin balancing or other device (the most expensive solution). 

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Thanks to everyone for the replies.  There were beads in some time back.  Tires, all the rears, have been dismounted and valve stems replaced with steel and the rubber grommets to support them.  No more braided extensions and all stems point out.  Very well could have been dust on the inside of the tires.  Other than dust I have not seen any debris when replacing the cores.  Some stick open, most don't.  I am using the red band cores/valves. 

So right now I'm thinking residual dust from the beads.  I was just wondering if there was a different valve core and if that was my problem.  So the solution for now is to carry extra red band Schrader valves.  I did see the valves made for beads.

As far as heat, I had my heat alarm on the TPMS go off while going down the grapevine in southern California.  That was years ago and if I remember the alarm went off somewhere around  165 degrees.???  Learned to slow down and use the jake sooner.

Thanks to everyone,

Woody Miller

09 Dynasty

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I have used Dyna Beads and Equal Balancing Media over the years and the only solution I have come up with to prevent valve leakage is to remove the TPMS and give the tire I am checking a quick shot of air before putting the pressure gauge on the valve stem. This clears the valve core of any debris that may be holding the valve open. It has worked really well for me. Good luck!

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