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House water pump


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George:  What is the brand and model of your water pump?  How old is it?  My original water pump quit after about 10 years.  I was able to extend it's life by almost a year by hitting it with a hammer.  Not kidding.  Some light taps on the top of the water pump freed up the pressure sensor.  About a year after the hammer hits it quit completely, I replaced it with the same model, a Sureflo https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00C1M6B1C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

When that one quit years later, I replaced it with an Aquajet: https://www.amazon.com/Remco-55-AQUAJET-Industries-55AQUAJET-ARV-Aqua/dp/B004RCSLFS/ref=sr_1_6?crid=365K0S5SAA3GF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.K5ZSMta1WJSQWseRHNiyWylaLyPyvt_VkQ9vRaPcHqJXx6KoZ0BtqmU7MRUHOpFCTECQP2_r0c_swp9aYim7AIBOiGfRC8xkkhgB7R7x3xGz9FLV_mfvjdKWHIo0JoohYay6SA30XqZn6vipVlbNT2iv9nSwaENXBQk8MervDY2XRM70KX_6o4IZIDtlSx6cSf3w4e5VGEWFlGr8ioLBtNgnVLpuCxf70pzfaOo1svfX3gOda3QZMby8bx3VlilK0OPFFVx3h9rESQYiJvZeULjNfJdiomwA_wOAQYtPbQ0.xdyt4Tz-CUAMP2JdugBrGpDmPjDowsSUmWEZL9RkA1w&dib_tag=se&keywords=aquajet&qid=1727973791&sprefix=aquajet%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-6

That's a much better pump and more expensive.  I like it.


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Power to the pump likely passes through another magic box/relay. It is a latching relay. A heavier wire/fuse power goes to the water pump relay and passes through when it is engaged. 

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5 hours ago, grizzly said:

Out of the blue my house water pump quit working after I was using it a couple of days ago. Found fuse in back closet multiplex system and it was ok. Light turns on at the switches. Are there any more fuses any where? Or is my pump just dead?


2006 and the Intellitec MPX was a STRANGE YEAR.  FOR WHATEVER REASON....the 2006 Dynasty and UP had a NON Intellitec MPX or HYBRID.  Assuming that the 2006 Dynasty and UP are the SAME as the 2007 is NOT CORRECT.  Check the Print Below.

FIRST...there is NO Intellitec Pump Controller.  This is the CORRECT print...right from the Wiring Diagrams in the manul

This post was up before the others popped up.

THEREFORE....the following....or the original post is correct....

ODDS ARE...  You have a REPLACEMENT Water Pump.  You should have had the AquaTech RV55 (known by other numbers)...the the RV55 is what Monaco bought.  Since there is a FUSE on the Intellitec MPX system... Monaco did NOT install a FUSE at the pump.

BUT, when someone...even warranty got a NEW PUMP (Remco now owns them), there is ALWAYS an INLINE FUSE HOLDER.  Folks figure MORE is BETTER.  With the crappy cheap fuse holder.  LESS is better...as in "CUT IT OUT and Butt Splice".  It is NOT needed.  IT FAILS (I KNOW....I did the same....NEVER AGAIN).

SO, go to the pump. Try to pull it apart.  It is NOW (or wasn't on mine) a click lock or a twist or screw. Pull it apart.  TURN on the PUMP....you SHOULD have 12 VDC on the power side.  IF SO....then turn off the MPX Switch.  Cut out the crappy inline and BUTT SPLICE.  All is WELL.  Actually, the pump will run a smidge better as the most common failure is corrosion in that inline holder.

NOW....just to make this even MORE CONFUSING.  The 2007 Dynasty and UP had a MANUAL SWITCH in the Service Bay.  That is like the Camelots.  In this picture, that switch is actually connected to the Private Toilet MPX switch.  That is one of TWO Lighted Switch panels with TWO PIGTAILS.  One is the 3 Wire Data Buss....that they all have.  THE other one is a pigtail wired to the LIGHTED Pump Switch in the toilet.  SO, when you PUSH the momentary contact switch in a 2006....it controls the Intellitec Module...BUT, when you push it in the 2007....it is in Parallel with the LIGHTED Switch in the Private toilet.  NOW in 2008...Monaco did away with the switches in service bay.  ALL were on the Intellitec MPX data buss....so that is why there is NO individual Pump Switch in the 2008....but a LIGHTED key pad.

THERE will be a pop quiz...but this is how it was done....different each year....

ODDS ARE...a bad fuse or fuse holder and it needs to be PULLED OUT.  Monaco, per the print...never intended for it to be INSTALLED....

Let us know

Water Pump 2007 Dynasty MPX and UP.pdf

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